The Season 16 RHOC Taglines Are Here!

season 16 taglines rhoc real housewives of orange county dr jennifer armstrong gina kirshenheiter heather fancy pants dubrow shannon beador emily simpson noella beringer

Freshly squeezed Real Housewives of Orange County taglines have been served!

The 16th season marks the return of Heather ‘Fancy Pants’ Dubrow after a four-season hiatus, as well as Shannon Storms Beador, Gina Kirschenheiter, and Emily Simpson.

Newbies Dr. Jennifer Armstrong and Noella Bergener join the franchise favs as the franchise said goodbye to controversial housewives Kelly Dodd, Braunwyn Windham-Burke, and Elizabeth Lyn Vargas.

Hold on to your orange, because here we go!

Shannon Storms Beador

“This Storms has found her sunshine, and the future is looking bright.”