Southern Charm‘s Molly O’Connell was accused of having a secret boyfriend named Mike Fitzgerald … and cheating on him with Shep Rose.
A post from Bravo and Cocktails alleged Molly dated Mike for about 4 years, but hid the relationship to get cast on Bravo TV‘s hit show.
Were we bamboozled?!
On January 31st at 8:15 am, Mike shared a tip with Bravo and Cocktails.
“I’m the guy she’s been seeing since September 2021. To be clear, it’s Molly O’Connell from Southern Charm. My IG is fitzg2md if anyone wants to dig. You won’t find many pictures of her (few from a while ago) because in order to have a chance of being cast she really needed to be ‘single.’ She [didn’t] ask me. She told me after she had been cast. Real shady.”
“Honestly, I should have ended things there. But, what can I say … I’d been in love with her for years at that point. Red flag city was covered by my rose colored glasses.”
The timeline:
According to Mike, Molly has been stringing him along. “Spent the night at her house just a few days ago.” The thought, “We’ve actually been doing really good.” When in reality, “She’s been hiding this secret for over 6 months.”
“I helped her move, helped her with her bills, and generally was just there for her. This all came to light last night at 10 pm when I forced her to be honest.”
“The entire season 10 filming, we were together. The Shep bullsh*t is new to me. She cheated on me with the end of filming. Not even sure anyone else on the show knows. They will by end of the day today though. Stay tuned.”
Mike didn’t stop there:
“Oh, also, she hasn’t touched an instrument since the filming. She stopped playing with the band because she’s just lazy. They gave her a chance and she just quit. I understand more than anyone how amazing she comes off on camera and even in person.”
“That’s the tip of the iceberg btw. Look [at] my profile. Down a ways in like 2021/2. You’ll see a picture of us together. We’ve been seeing each other for 3 months before that until, well, last night.
Mike “finally got her to admit to cheating with Shep. She wouldn’t have even said anything except the leading up is on camera. They made out on camera (will be in future episode) and that night he went to her house. She swears nothing happened ever again, but, well, who knows. I’m not sure anyone else on the show knows they screwed, but they will by days end.”
Is this Mike guy saying this for attention?
Molly’s alleged boyfriend of 4 years posted a cryptic caption seemingly about Molly to his Instagram grid. My radar went off that Mike was seeking his 15 minutes with the video he posted.
The video featured cars his shop was selling, but the caption teased his relationship with Molly. “People will let you down. Careers, relationships, family, your health, you name it- it can all get pulled away in the blink of an eye. Not if, but when. Been difficult to remember that recently. Happiness in the face of despair is something nobody can take from you. And they will try. They will try.”