Katie Ginella shared a private message she received from Emily Simpson‘s kids’ former nanny about Heather Dubrow. The former nanny claimed Emily’s children are vocal about their negative feelings towards Fancy Pants.
The nanny’s DM to Katie:
“Hi Katie! First off, you are an amazing addition to the [Real Housewives of Orange County] franchise! We need more women like you!”
The kids’ former nanny didn’t want Kaili (Katie’s daughter) to feel gaslighted about the situation. “If you want to, share this with your daughter so she knows she’s not crazy …”
“But, I used to nanny Emily Simpson’s kids. They always talked about how they hated Heather!!!”
“Annabelle would give me all the juicy gossip! I feel a bit disgusted that Emily was pointing the finger at your daughter when she was kind enough to watch the. boys! (They ain’t easy.)”
“I just wanted to let you know that Emily is totally lying. The kids do know Heather. They know what’s going on! I don’t like your daughter taking the blame for that on TV. Especially from Heather.”
Emily was accused of “lying” about the Kaili situation by the All About The Real Housewives podcasters.
“We had Kaili on our podcast where she says she was asked to come back and babysit. Why would Emily ask her to come back if her boys claimed that Kaili is the one who said Heather is mean? Emily needs to own the fact that we all know she doesn’t like Heather and says it around her house.”
Emily clapped back at the podcasters’ accusation. “Kaili NEVER babysat my kids again after that weekend!!! WTF?!”
“Plus, after last night’s episode, it’s pretty clear which parent talks crap about Heather with her kids … and it’s not me!”