Vickery’s Bar & Grill

Business Information

Vickery’s Bar & Grill Website

(843) 884-4440

1313 Shrimp Boat Ln, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

Hours of Operation:
Monday 11:30AM–2AM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2AM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2AM
Thursday 11:30AM–2AM
Friday 11:30AM–2AM
Saturday 11:30AM–2AM
Sunday 11AM–12AM

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About the Business:

In Shem Creek, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Vickery’s 1313 Shrimp Boat Lane Bar & Grill opened February 13,1999 in one of the country’s most picturesque locations. With water on three sides, all tables are good tables at Vickery’s. Vickery’s also provides first-come-first-serve public docking for customers. The only thing more fun than spending the day on your boat is spending the day on your boat and docking for a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant! It is Vickery’s intent to serve a variety of dishes/some simple and creative, some complex from various regions and ethnicities, consistently good and fairly priced. All in a friendly, fun and casual atmosphere with attentive, professional service.

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