Their Bali translator and guide has made it his mission to find a medium to satisfy Kim and Khloe's desire to get a proper reading. On their last night Jeno Alongsih, a blind medium, comes to do a reading for them. This woman is pretty spot on. Her father comes through and tells Kim he will be reincarnated in Kim's in new son that's to be born in a few months. Since no one knows publicly Kim is having another baby, it really surprises Kim and Khloe to hear this from a complete stranger. When it comes to Khloe's reading she senses her sadness despite people loving her. That she's had traumatic experience in the past and that she's uncomfortable and angry. "Sometimes you don't trust the person you're with now. Sometimes you feel fear. And that's why it's causing you to be unstable." -Medium + Translator This just eight month after the Tristan cheating (and possibly predicting cheating with Jordyn!?! "This person is kind of spot on with me and it's kinda freaking me out." -Khloe