CrossFit RX

Business Information

CrossFit RX Website

(404) 387-8729

328 Mell Ave., Atlanta, GA 30307

Hours of Operation:
Monday 6AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 6AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 6AM–8:30PM
Thursday 6AM–8:30PM
Friday 6AM–8:30PM
Saturday 9AM–12AM
Sunday 9AM–12PM

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About the Business:

Our approach to strength and conditioning is designed for scalability and may apply equally to all people, regardless of age, experience, or fitness level. We believe in training for all things that life might bring…for the unknown and unknowable “real world”. This means that our workouts involve exercises similar to movements found in everyday life-for example, running, jumping, pulling, pushing, lifting & moving objects-so that you can become stronger and more efficient in any activity you choose outside of the gym.

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